Saturday, June 27, 2020

Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Literature Review - 275 Words

Clinical Decision Support (CDS): Literature Review (Essay Sample) Content: Title: Clinical decision support (CDS)Learnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameAffiliated InstituteClinical officers are frequently faced with situations in which they need to make decisions, as they perform their work. The ability of a clinical officer to make a sound decision is greatly influenced by the knowledge and experience of the clinical officer (, 2015).ÂTo facilitate quality decision making by the clinical officers, decision support systems have been developed.The typical definition of the Clinical decision support (CDS) is that, it is system that enhances the process of making health-related decisions by the clinical officers, (, 2015). With the clinical decision support system, the information required for proper decision-making is availed to the clinical officers.ÂThe researches done on the importance of CDS have indicated that it eliminates the errors that could have occurred without the system support and hence increasing the quality of clinical services.Literature reviewClinical decision support is one of the areas that have attracted researchers in the recent past. The advancements in technology have empowered researchers to venture more into the research on the best clinical support systems. Ball, M., et al. (2011), pointed out that clinical officers needed more evidence-based scientific support in their decision-making. In the report published by the authors, they said that the scientific evidences collected by the clinical officers at the time lacked sufficient support in the decision-making process. For this reason, the author recommended a need for development of clinical support systems.In a report published in (2015), the author pointed to the need for decision support system by stating that; the introduction of clinical decision support would facilitate proper decision-making. The author outlines that, the introduction of decision support would prevent errors in clinical practices and he nce taking care of preventable injuries caused by the mistake. This argument was further backed by an article published on (Hims...

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